What is COVID-19?

Center for Disease Control (CDC) is responding to an outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus that was first detected in China and now has been detected in locations internationally, including in the United States. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals. Reported illnesses have ranged from very mild (including some with no reported symptoms) to severe, including illness resulting in death. We are doing our part by following public health guidelines for screening, treating, safety precautions, and reporting of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Testing

It is the current policy of The Surgery Center of Rhode Island to no longer conduct PCR or rapid tests on patients, regardless of vaccination status. Patients will be screened for covid-19 symptoms upon entrance to the facility.

COVID-19 Employee Vaccination Status

As of November 1, 2021 The Surgery Center of Rhode Island employs 47 healthcare personnel that are collectively vaccinated at a rate of 100%. Our physicians and anesthesia providers are vaccinated at a rate of 100%.

Screening for COVID-19

Upon arrival to the surgery center, our staff will screen you for COVID-19. Screening helps us diagnose and treat you and helps to protect other patients, our health care personnel, and staff. Please call us before your appointment and reschedule your appointment, if you are experiencing any symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with symptoms/tested positive for COVID-19

COVID-19 Protocol

  • Masking is optional for staff, visitors, and patients. The front office has masks available if needed.
  • Please call ahead. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue) or have been in contact with someone with symptoms/tested positive for COVID-19, please inform the front desk.
  • Please follow instructions prior to arriving at your appointment. We may direct you and your caregiver to take precautions prior to arriving at your appointment (such as calling prior to presenting for surgery)
  • Inform the front desk when you arrive. When you arrive at your appointment, please inform the front desk immediately if you or your caregiver have symptoms or if you were in contact with a person with symptoms/tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Please follow staff instructions prior to and during your appointment. The front desk may provide you with directions on precautions to take, including how to remain separate from other patients in the waiting room. We request that you follow all staff instructions.
  • If symptoms develop, please call us or call 911, if it is an emergency. If you develop symptoms after your procedure, please inform the surgery center staff. If it is an emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department. Please inform all health care professionals of your symptoms and that you are being evaluated for COVID-19.

COVID-19 Reporting

Please be aware that we report to public health authorities, including if any patient is under investigation for the virus that causes COVID-19. We may report to (or as directed by) the CDC, information about you for public health reasons, including to the local or state health department.